Crown Prince Soren Arterbury of Daedian
NAME Soren Arterbury
AGE 23y.o.
RACE Human
HEIGHT 177cm / 5"9'
"The key is that my father doesn't know about it. If he knew, he would've found a way to replace me."
The Crown Prince of Daedian and youngest son of King Alden, Soren has been nothing short of illustrious throughout his whole life. Though he has been expected to be a strong and somewhat stubborn figure since birth, no one has ever been capable of putting it into his mind. Much to his father's chagrin. Some would say his kind personality is an obstacle, or even would warn him about manipulators, but he would rather give up the throne than let his essence go.
Due to having expectations dumped on him, he has developed into someone made to please others, either through external or internal pressure. With all odds stacked against him, he still carries on with his duties as seriously as possible.
His personality being all soft does not at all mean he doesn't have any goals - he has big plans for his rule, especially when it comes to changing how the very kingdom runs. But he is still hesitant on showing intention of doing so, mostly out of caution.
His core appearance is very well put-together and tailored by professionals at any given moment, after all, it would hurt his reputation if that wasn't the case. He is somewhat tall - though compared to his family members, he is a little bit below their average -, with a presence that very much is a tranquilizer in of itself through no intention of his own. His apperance isn't flashy per say, but due to being a famous person, his face is often quickly recognized and swarmed upon by most.
He often has his rich long brown hair put up in a ribbon that usually matches the outfit he is wearing. His eyes are of a green color, with a light brown inner ring on both of them.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultrices dui nibh, eget pretium neque ultrices ac. Sed vitae porta diam, at tincidunt leo. Integer vehicula purus in magna maximus, ac egestas lacus feugiat. Proin ac eros erat. Suspendisse volutpat pretium mauris non varius. Mauris nec velit ultrices, congue lectus in, maximus tellus. Phasellus ligula tellus, vulputate vel tellus ac, finibus eleifend ipsum. Proin eget eros vestibulum, suscipit quam ut, imperdiet nunc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultrices dui nibh, eget pretium neque ultrices ac. Sed vitae porta diam, at tincidunt leo. Integer vehicula purus in magna maximus, ac egestas lacus feugiat. Proin ac eros erat. Suspendisse volutpat pretium mauris non varius. Mauris nec velit ultrices, congue lectus in, maximus tellus. Phasellus ligula tellus, vulputate vel tellus ac, finibus eleifend ipsum. Proin eget eros vestibulum, suscipit quam ut, imperdiet nunc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultrices dui nibh, eget pretium neque ultrices ac. Sed vitae porta diam, at tincidunt leo. Integer vehicula purus in magna maximus, ac egestas lacus feugiat. Proin ac eros erat. Suspendisse volutpat pretium mauris non varius. Mauris nec velit ultrices, congue lectus in, maximus tellus. Phasellus ligula tellus, vulputate vel tellus ac, finibus eleifend ipsum. Proin eget eros vestibulum, suscipit quam ut, imperdiet nunc.
- He really enjoys reading about science. Especially the study of animals and plants.
- He can never chose a favorite tea flavor or what to drink on the day. He actually leaves it up to the castle staff.
- He has been burned a little by a past romantic relationship. He is fine talking about it, currently.
- Tea
- Autumn
- Small but productive talk
- Pushy people
- The heat
- Being treated highly
- Speedy reading: He can read particularly fast.
- People watching: He (un)intentionally notices a lot of tiny aspects in people's behaviors and words. It may bleed into overthinking territory.
- Public speaking: He doesn't particularly enjoy it, but he is still able to handle himself so well on it.